Thursday 28 November 2013

Free Indie Game Review: Toribash

Toribash is a stop motion fighting game. The name is Japanese, I would assume. Anyway, this game is brilliant. Basically, you contract, extend, relax, or hold any of the joints in your body to perform a move. But, you will see a silhouette of what's going to happen. If you happen to press the space bar, the game will play 10 frames of animation before freezing again, allowing you to plan your next move. Sounds weird/don't get it? Look up Supermoves Toribash on YouTube. It showcases some of the best moves in this game/animation software. Best of all, the game is free! Download it right now! Also, there are about 500 "mods" in game that you can load up that add swords, guns, and various other things. This game is gory/bloody, but the graphics aren't realistic, so yeah. About 500 shaders come with the game too. They basically allow you to change the games appearance. Be careful though, if you have a slow computer, your framerate will take a major hit with some of the more fancy ones. Multi-Player even comes with the game, no portforwarding required! That being said, for being free, this game is 10/10 for me. That's just my opinion. Thanks for reading!

Monday 25 November 2013

Indie Game Review: Braid

I doubt this is indie anymore, but I'll mention it anyway. Braid starts out like a beautiful Mario game, and ends like... like.... a puzzle game. Basically, the main mechanic in Braid is being able to rewind time. Certain objects aren't affected by your rewinding time also to keep things interesting. So for example, if there was a  hole with spikes on the bottom and a green, glowing key, you would have to jump down there, grab the key, and rewind with it. Green glowing objects aren't affected by the space, time continuum as aforementioned. Later you get new mechanics, like a shadow dimension. If you rewind time in the regular dimension, the shadow version of yourself will go to where you started rewinding from where you finished rewinding. It keeps things interesting as a new mechanic is introduced every 5-6 levels or so. I just wish it wasn't so short. Also, there are some interesting bosses in Braid. I wouldn't call them anything like Intrusion 2's boss battles. There are puzzle pieces which are needed to be collected in Braid to progress through the game. If you collect all of the puzzle pieces from one chapter, you can put together a puzzle to unlock a new world. You don't have to do that every time though. Usually, you can just beat the chapter to unlock a new one. One other con I found, while the music being amazing, the sound effects were sub par. They didn't fit with the game's beautiful art style/music. Overall, I would rate this one 7.5 out of 10. Thank's for reading! Here is the trailer for Braid :

You can download the free demo at:

Thursday 21 November 2013

Indie Game Review: Overgrowth Alpha

Overgrowth is a antramorphic bunny rabbit simulator, except your bunny rabbit is a NINJA! And has access to bullet-time. Imagine jumping through the air, and spotting and enemy below. You do a barrel roll in the air, land right above the guy, and kick him in the face. Overgrowth's combat engine is magnificent, made even better in slow-mo. Basically, in it's current stage, Overgrowth is just a physics sandbox. Even though there is no objective, Overgrowth is amazing in its current stage. Basically, you load up one of the 8/9 maps, and depending on what map your playing, you'll see a heck of a lot of beautifully rendered landscape. Over in the distance, you see another antramorphic rabbit. He starts to run at you, and you jump, doing a flip in the air to look cool. You go into slow-mo, and land right behind him, attempting to do another flip. You land on your neck and break it. My verdict on this "game". Graphics are great, physics are ragdolly, and is great fun! Overall, 9.5 out of 10! Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!

Indie Game Review: Intrusion 2

Imagine your in a white forest. You see bomb go off in the distance. All of the sudden, you hit the ground. This is how Intrusion 2 begins. Intrusion 2 is a shooter in the style of Contra or Metal Slug, and is 10 bucks on Steam. So if you like what you read/see, go support the game developers and buy the game! Anyway, Intrusion 2 is a heck of a lot of fun. The physics are great, sometimes wonky, but great, and the boss battles are just, wow. Amazing animations make this a have-to-buy for side scrolling shooter lovers. One downside to this game though is the music. IT SUCKS! It's just the same track, over and over. Also, while I'm being critical, the game is short and rather easy. Even on hard, you could probably beat it in one sitting. Back to being optimistic. For what your getting, this game is fairly cheap, and is worth the small price of 10 dollars.
This game also plays well with a PS3 controller I found out, using a free piece of software called MotioninJoy. Also, there are wolves. And you can ride them. Anyway, the verdict: The graphics are great, the gameplay is great as well, and the physics, are hillarious. Overall, 9 out of 10! Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed this review! Here's the Steam link:


Hello, I'm Dylan, and on this blog, I will review indie/independent games! If you want your game reviewed, just comment, and I'll check it out!