Tuesday 25 February 2014

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Indie Game Review: Angsvik

Angsvik is a great game. It has a really cool aesthetic (in my opinion). Also, it has very nice calm music that makes you feel like this is going to be one of those art experiences. You are most certainly wrong. This game is hard. But not rage inducing like Super Meat Boy, etc. Basically, you pick what your father was. You then instantly spawn in this lush world. First thing you will probably notice, this game is beautiful. As you are enjoying the visuals/audio, you walk up to your father, about to die. You take his gear, and he waves you good bye. No joke, one of my saddest moments in gaming was that I accidentally killed my father. You will notice that if you are not wearing armor, you instantly die if you touch a baddie. And start over. Even if you are at the end. So, my verdict. This game is worth your 3 bucks. One thing I think would be hard to add but cool, would be a level creator and workshop support. Thank you for reading, go buy this game.

Saturday 15 February 2014

Indie Game Review: Jazzpunk

This is a weird game. From its amazing introduction to its truly bizzare yet fitting ending, if you like comedy, you'll like this. I believe that it is set in a virtual reality version of the Cold War. Essentially this is an adventure game. A rather short one, but an adventure game. As TotalBiscuit said, it is hard to criticize a game that has little to no mechanics. In my opinion, I think Jazzpunk is worth the money. For starters, you can play Wedding Qake. Look for a reference there. Also, there is a zombie mini game that takes place inside of a pizza. Yeah, that kind of explains it. Also, if you like 80's/90's technology, you will love this game. To avoid spoilers, I'm gonna end the review right here. If you like random and old school comedy, buy this game. Oh, and one more thing: If you get nauseated by first person shooters, this will nauseate you due to no field of view slider and the mouse is accelerated. But, if that doesn't affect you, buy this game. 9.5 out of 10. I laughed out loud quite a few times.

Monday 10 February 2014

Indie Game Review: Love

Love is a platformer in early access. That being said, it does not have as much stuff as it will have. But essentially, think VVVVV but without gravity flipping. The main gimmick here is being able to place checkpoints at any point. Currently, there is 5 modes. Easy mode, which I have not tested out yet, just gives your more lives. Standard mode is where you have a 100 lives and you have to try to survive and beat the levels. There is YOLO mode where you only have one life. And then there is speedrun mode, which times you. For only 2 bucks, I would say this is definitely worth the money. I mean for only 2 bucks, you get an addictive retro styled platformer with hard as nails difficulty. There is also Custom mode, which I have not tried yet either. For my first impressions, I would say that this is definitely worth your time/money. I would rate it 8.5 out of 10. 9.5 for classic chiptune retro music. 8 for some retro graphics. The reason it is only 8 because in my opinion, retro is overused. But this game uses it well. For gameplay, if you like platformers, you'll like this. Jazzpunk will be next! Thank you for reading!

Friday 7 February 2014

Indie Game Review: The Floor is Jelly

To get the idea of the Floor is Jelly, imagine this. Disasterpeace composing music for a game that everything in the world happened to be made of jelly. Everything bounces and jiggles in a beautiful way. This game is beautiful. I've played through almost the whole game, and the only downside I see is it being slightly on the short end. Other then that, your in for a real indie treat. For starters, this game is beautiful. How everything jiggles and moves when you bounce onto it is just, beautiful. Also, kudos to Disasterpeace for making some beautiful music. What I would say here and now is, that this game is short. But it is amazing in every other way. The platforming, is phenomenal. Probably one of my favorite games ever. I would score it...... 10 for graphics, 10 for music, 9 for length, 10 for gameplay. Overall, about 9.9. Amazing. The next game to be reviewed will be Jazzpunk.